extra virgin olive oil 274° 75 cl
October 1st is the 274th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. But October 1st is the first day of the calendar marked by the rhythm of olives. the 274th, therefore, is the beginning. It is the first taste, the most delicate. It is the promise of adventure, of travel. It is the certainty of the effort that comes from the earth, but most of all the generosity of time and nature.
Production area: south-east Sicily
Harvest: by hand directly on the plant
Colour: golden yellow with green reflections
Aroma: persistent characterized by a clear olive aroma with strong hints of freshly cut grass, thistle, green tomato and basil.
Taste: delicate, harmonious, balanced, pleasantly spicy and bitter with a sweet almond aftertaste and herbaceous hints.
Use: it is suitable for raw use on refined fish dishes, white meats, salads, and on any dish with a delicate taste.
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